Thursday, February 25, 2010

It was a bloody week as I was extremely busy.Meetings,task and of course,the homeworks.

Well,that's not the point for me writing this bloody post.Its because,I felt a little bit uncomfortable in the school lately.

We just call this guy Mr.A,alright?Mr.A is someone who is REALLY religious in my school.Wearing white kopiah on his head is a must except sleep,taking a shower and sports.No hard feeling on that but what I disapointed on him is because of how he approachd to the students as a teacher.Or what we call,a warden of a hostel.

Our watercooler had broke last year.Demanding on repairing the ONLY consumable water source is done EVERY week but no action is taken.Mr.A do nothing.But he gives his STUPIDEST reason why he don't repair the watercooler.

"You (students) don't need a watercooler.Even I don't even have it when im in secondary school"

After that spicy word passed through my ears,three letters already appeared in my mind.WTF?

What do he expect for us to do when thirsty?Drink from the filthy drain?Try to get out from the bloody hostel and go to the cafeteria for some water?Go to hell Mr.A.

Maybe,he wants us to die inside because of dehydration.Holocaust huh?

Understanding how students feel living in a hostel is an important value to be a warden.For me,he seems to be lack of empathy towards students.For me,the only guys who cares about students is only our principal and the assistant of students affairs.You can see his blog (

I WILL write more about this NEVER-ENDING issue in my school in future.Stay tuned.

-------->Next chaptiere:Relation between students and teachers